As an example: Google Ads andor Facebook Ads campaigns; Targeting area: Cluj 0 km I stayed with the same assumption; People between and years old, both men and women; Dental office The strategy is relatively similar to that of the physical therapy office. You won't want to go beyond the town limits. On the contrary, in some cases it is even advisable to limit yourself only to a certain neighborhood or sector in order to attract the population from the vicinity. Similarly, the suggestion would be: Google Ads campaigns; Targeting area: welldefined neighborhoods or sectors;
People between and 0 years old, both men and women; Neurology medical clinic Let's increase the degree of complexity a little and take as an example a neurology clinic, which is recognized as a center of excellence in the treatment of diseases of the Belgium WhatsApp Number Data nervous system. The clinic only offers outpatient services. approach to the patient, because neurological pathology is extremely complex, with ramifications in the area of cardiology, ENT and so on. So the data of the problem is changing, as patients or their relatives will be willing to travel greater distances to get the right diagnosis or treatment.
Moreover, if the services offered by the clinic are overspecialized, the patients will most likely come from all over the country. We can discuss specifically, I mean the integration in the neurological consultation of elements related to the secondary prevention of stroke, diagnosis of vertigo or tinnitus in the ENT area, blood pressure control for cardiology and so on. On the other hand, given the prevalence of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, or autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the spectrum of addressability for a clinic of this type is already quite extensive.